New book - In Praise of Slow

I was at Waterstone's yesterday, looking for a book about teaching English, and this book caught my eye:

I picked it up and discovered it was all about something I've been talking about for a while now: the fact that people are caught up in the rat race and probably don't even know why they're doing it anymore, and the fact that we seriously need to slow down and take the time to enjoy life.

I'm convinced we will be happier, healthier and even richer people if we can break free from the endless stress and pressure this "modern life" puts on us and choose - consciously choose, instead of getting caught up in - a more serene lifestyle.

So, I'm going to log off for today, make myself a mug of tea, curl up in the couch and dig into the book. A nice, relaxing way to end the weekend :)


Mand said...

Sounds like a book that I should be reading! xox

boredeasily said...

Hey, have you read Affluenza? I recommend it :)

Sara said...

Affluenza, by Oliver James, or by Clive Hamilton? (found both on Amazon...)
Thanks for the tip!

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